Musings about wanderings

Month: March 2012

New Hiking Boots

It was time to buy some new hiking boots today. I’ve never really had much luck with them, I seem to have odd sized feet. They usually fit in the shops but after a few weeks wear, they begin to hurt.

But it was necessary so headed to the fairly new Cotswolds shop and had a look. The assistant there was very helpful and they went through a boot fitting process and pointed me in the right direction.

With any luck I’ve managed to get a pair that will fit and they were on sale into the bargain.



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So winter is coming to and end, though I expect one last icy blast before it turns to spring proper. And with that, the van starts to come out of hibernation. So far I’ve had the MOT and service done. Getting Harmony through the MOT was an expensive business but it is running nicely now. Next up is the hibernation check. I’m hopeful that will go well but the fridge has given problems in the past.

Then there is just the general cleaning of stuff to get through and we’ll be all ready for some adventures.

The plan this year is to get away as often as possible. Day trips as well as weekends and longer things.

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